Thai Tofu Stir-Fry

March 26, 2019

Thai Tofu stir fry serving presentation

Thai curry pastes are extremely versatile. Apart from their use in curries they are also used in stir-fries and marinades and many other dishes. In this dish I have used tofu but I could also have used thinly sliced meat or simply vegetables on their own. You can really experiment with this one and chop and change ingredients as you wish and still come out with a great result. I’ve demonstrated the use here with tofu because I think to get the best out of tofu it needs to be cooked in a particular way so that it takes on the flavour of the sauce.
1 Pkt firm or extra firm Tofu
10 g Light soy sauce
10 g white sugar
Vegetable oil
1 lime
1 onion, garlic clove,chopped tomato
Vegetables of your own choice

I’ve used a firm tofu and because I’m not deep frying it I find it is sufficient to press it between some paper towels with a weight on top to remove most of the water.
Tofu Curry Ingredients new
Heat the pan add the pressed tofu and cook on a medium  heat for about 20 minutes, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and cook on a higher heat for five minutes browning the tofu.
Stir-fry tofu in pan
Remove the tofu, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil half a red onion and chopped clove of garlic to the pan and cook until brown.
fry onions and garlic
Return the tofu to the pan with 10 g of light soy sauce, 10 g white sugar and 130ml water and cook until the water is evaporated.

Remove the mixture from the pan. Add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to the pan with the remaining half red onion and chopped red tomato and cook until softened.
Fry onions and tomatoes
Return the tofu mixture to the pan add one packet of My Thai Curry red curry paste with your chosen vegetables, add around 120 ml of water and cook through until the vegetables are cooked.
Add water to ingredients
Test and adjust to taste with a squeeze of lime
Squeeze lime into ingredients
Thai tofu stir fry


If you like this recipe please click the star rating or add a comment below!  Kop Khun Kha, Nitsa.x

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